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All members of the London Western Track & Field Club (LWTFC) are expected to:


  • Demonstrate through words and actions the spirit of sportsmanship, sports leadership and ethical conduct;•

  • Treat others with respect and refrain from negative or disparaging remarks or conduct;

  • Be under the guidance and development of a member(s) of the coaching staff of the LWTFC, unless they have written approval from the Club Manager to do otherwise;

  • Wear the provided LWTFC singlet when competing at Athletics Canada (AC) and Athletics Ontario (AO) sanctioned events as an athlete entered and registered with the LWTFC, unless they have written consent from the club manager to do otherwise;

  • Avoid and reject the non-medical use of drugs or the use of performanceenhancing drugs or methods;

  • Refrain from using alcohol and tobacco products LWTFC training sessions and/or competitive events;

  • Refrain from the use of profane, insulting or offensive language;

  • Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading or malicious;

  • Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances or conduct of a sexual nature;

  • Refrain from performing any pranks, jokes or other activities that endangers the safety of others or themselves, or damages the reputation, image, credibility or reputation of the LWTFC;

  • Comply at all times with the bylaws, policies, rules and regulations of the World Athletics ( , Book D), AC (, and AO ( ), as adopted and amended from time to time.

Minor infractions are single incidents of breaching the expected standards of conduct that generally do not result in harm to others. Examples of minor infractions include, but are not limited to:


  • Single instances of disrespectful comments or behaviour directed towards others;

  • Single instances of unsportsmanlike conduct;

  • Single instances of non-compliance with the policies and rules of Athletics Canada.


Major infractions are instances of misconduct that result, or have the potential to result, in harm to other persons, to the LWTFC, or to the sport of athletics. Examples of major infractions include, but are not limited to:


  • repeated minor infractions;

  • activities or behaviour that interfere with a competition or with any athlete's preparation for a competition;

  • pranks, jokes or other activities that endangers the safety of others or themselves, or damages the reputation, image, credibility or reputation of the LWTFC;

  • conduct that intentionally damages the image, credibility or reputation of the LWTFC, including entering a conflict of interest;

  • behaviour that constitutes harassment, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct;

  • abusive use of alcohol, any use of alcohol by minors, use of illicit drugs and narcotics, or use of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods.

  • deliberate disregard for the policies and rules of IAAF, Athletics Canada, Athletics Ontario, and/or the LWTFC;


The following are examples of disciplinary sanctions that may be applied where it is found that an infraction has occurred:


  • verbal or written reprimand;

  • require a verbal or written apology;

  • removal of certain privileges of membership or employment;

  • suspension from certain events, which may include suspension from the current competition or from future teams or competitions;

  • expulsion from membership.

It is understood that the above are representative penalties only, that they may be modified to fit the circumstances of the infraction, and that they are presented generally in order of severity.

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